Application for Enrollment Request
Applications are accepted throughout the year and acceptance decisions are based on the LVP Enrollment and Waitlist policy. If there are no openings available, your application will be placed on the waiting list and you will be notified when a space becomes available.
*Lyons Valley Preschool participates in Colorado’s Universal Preschool Program (UPK). All children who are 4 years old by October 1st of the current school year are eligible to receive 15 free hours of preschool a week. UPK may impact your child’s position on our waitlist. More information about UPK may be found at
Step 1:
Submit contact form
Email Beth Florez at or
Call Head of School Beth Florez: 303-823-6500
Step 2:
Submit a $35 non-refundable application fee to secure your place on the waitlist.
A $35 check can be mailed to: Lyons Valley Preschool, PO Box 2693, Lyons, CO 80540
When an opening is available, you will be notified. A deposit, applied to the first month’s tuition, is required to secure the opening. Please refer to the LVP Enrollment and Waitlist policy.
Step 3:
Admission and enrollment: a child is officially enrolled in the program (pending open space) when we have received the signed enrollment agreement and tuition deposit. Both the deposit and the agreement, signed by the parent, are required to hold the space.
Lyons Valley Preschool does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, creed, color, gender, sexual orientation, age, physical challenge, national origin, or any other characteristic.